ONLINE Congress
October 7-8, 2023
ONLINE Congress
October 7-8, 2023
As a coach or helping professional, you are always distinguished by a constantly ongoing personal and professional development. The larger your clients and their business, the more versatile you need to be.

At the online congress, you will learn how the development of spiritual intelligence and the use of creativity directly affects the effectiveness of your work and the results of your clients.

UNISONO online congress is the first online congress that combines the topics of success, spiritual intelligence, efficiency and the use of creativity.

Unisono (Latin «unus»- one and «sonus» - sound) - is a term that in music means "coincidence of voices in one sound, in one voice." When we talk about total harmony between people who act together, we use this musical term.

October 7-8, 2023

2:00-9:00pm CET

During two days you will meet 10 world recognized experts from the world of Coaching, Music, Business, Systemic and Literature. They will share different ways to combine success and spiritual values. They will give you tools to reveal your creativity and achieve great results. They will share their experience how to be in touch with your potential in order to be successful and effectively help your clients.
Get new tools and techniques from internationally recognized experts
Understand how to use intuition in your work
See alternative way to resolve your clients’ issue
Understand how your creativity affects the result of your work
Find access to your potential using the effective exercises
Learn about global trends from those who influence the international market
Get inspired by meeting the masters
  • Founder of the LKB School of Coaching
  • MCC ICF Coach and systemic сoach
  • Founder of the European Network of Professional Coaches
  • Co-owner, director at the Bert Hellinger Institute Netherlands
  • Systemic facilitator
  • Trainer
  • Founder of the International Global Coaching University
  • President of the National Federation of Professional Mentors and Coaches
  • MCC ICF Executive coach, Mentor
  • President of the Cleveland Piano Competition
  • Concert pianist
  • Prizewinner of 10 international piano competitions
  • Co-founder and first chairman of the board of the Association of Russian-speaking Coaches (ARC)
  • Member of the Russian Academy of Education
  • Expert in developmental practices, coaching, organizational consulting
  • A supervisor for coaches and leaders
  • The author of supervision training programs
  • Founder of the international School of Supervision and Reflective Practice
  • Conductor and concert pianist
  • PCC ICF Executive and Team coach
  • Founder and Exectitive director of the ArtConnect
  • Theater and film actor
  • PCC ICF coach of mindfulness and spiritual intelligence
  • Founder of ANIMA Mindfulness School
  • Founder of the Babylon Orchestra and Transmusica Ensemble
  • Artistic coordinator
  • Production manager
  • Writer
  • Poetic storyteller
  • Manuscript coach
October 7, 2023
2:00pm CET
2:00pm CET
James Navé
"What it's like to be yourself"
3:30pm CET
3:30pm CET
Simon Blackhall
"Three traps of the Ego"
5:00pm CET
5:00pm CET
Alexandra Pritsker

Mentoring: to hear, to listen, to be heard

6:30pm CET
6:30pm CET
Irina Judge
"The Art of Reflection as a basic tool for Mastery"
7:30pm CET
7:30pm CET
Georgy Gromov
"Intuition as a working tool"
October 8, 2023
2:00pm CET
2:00pm CET
Barbara Hoogenboom
"Taking your place in life"
3:30pm CET
3:30pm CET
Lynne Burney
"What do you know about (your) creativity?"
5:00pm CET
5:00pm CET
Sofia Surgutschowa
"Creativity as a strategy: how thinking "outside the box" helps in work and building a business"
6:30pm CET
6:30pm CET
Yaron Kohlberg

"Game as the basis for mastery"

7:30pm CET
7:30pm CET
Mikhail Klarin
"What can we learn from art"

1 full day at your choice (5 speakers from 2:00pm until 9:00pm CET)
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2 full days (10 speakers) from 2:00pm until 9:00pm CET
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2 full days with recordings of all 10 speakers and presentations
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About The ArtConnect
Since 2015 the projects of the Artconnect raise awareness and spiritual mind of people through music and art as best manifestations of the human spirit. We create online and offline projects for artists and people who want to bring into their lives more awareness, inspiration and be connected with their creative source.

We also help professional artists deal with their mental, psychological and physical difficulties and find their genuine path.